I designed this lady quite a few years ago and had never done anything with her. One of my sewing friends has been nagging me for a while now to complete her so she can do one too. I really wasn't sure how I was going to approach it but Stella gave me the impetuous to get her done. I will get her framed when I can afford to - think that's the best way to finish her. This lady (Roaring 20's) so inspired me I've designed a new BOM quilt around her....HATS! :) Will sit beside M'ladys Passion BOM very well I feel so now I'm busting to get into completing that too...."Passionne des Chapeaux" is it's title. Hats, Hat Box, one hat on a stand plus flowers. It's got a real 1920's feel to it so now looking for the right fabric. Fabric choice is so important isn't it? I've been looking at a few websites but, so far, haven't found the right one. I also have to try really hard to not have tunnel vision either, which IS a big problem of mine. I have what I'd like in my head and don't seem to be able to look past it.
Hope you like her...will come back soon as have a couple of other things to share too.
Happy stitching, love,